The Single Ladies’ Guide to Wealth: How Being Unattached Grows Your Money

single rich women
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6 Responses

  1. says:

    I agree being single is great for advancing your career (and saving money- I could eat whatever I wanted when I lived alone). Having kids is like slashing your career aspirations goodbye, at least for 5 years. I was close to earning six figures but then I had another kid and now will be working less than full time.

  2. Marissa says:

    Hi Lisa! Great post – I can so relate to SO much of this. I was single for most of my 8 years in Biglaw and definitely think it helped my career. There was simply no way I could have imagined working those hours with kids (with a husband, yes, but with kids, no way).

    I probably stayed in the law for about 4 years longer than I wanted to since I had no “good” reason to leave – “You can’t be a housewife, without the wife part” rings so true. On a more positive note, I also agree that being single forced me to really take ownership of my finances – something I am very grateful for now! Thanks for sharing this, I really enjoy reading your perspective.

  3. Steveark says:

    I guess one question is whether women who have utilized their single status to advance their careers are happier or less happy than married women. I have no idea, did you find any data on that?

    • Lisa says:

      I think research shows that external circumstances don’t really change people’s happiness. Lottery winners and people who have suffered grief all eventually revert back to their previous happiness levels. I think it’s the same with single or married woman, working outside the home or not – their happiness is probably independent of their life circumstances. That’s why I’m not advocating singleness or marriage – career might not be some women’s goal, and that’s perfectly fine.

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